Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I don't know if it is because it is Valentine's Day or if I am just so in love, but I am obsessed with having all heart shaped desserts at our reception in Nebraska. Here are just a few of my latest inspirations:
All heart shaped maybe just a little overkill. Maybe I will settle for these Conversation Heart Cookies.

all photos from Martha Stewart

Happy Valentine's Day!


Ellen Mint said...

Tomorrow is definitely the day to stock up on anything heart related for decorations.

You're just missing tons and tons of snow in Nebraska right now though.

melissa said...

Heck yeah! I plan on hitting up the post V-Day sales tomorrow morning. I have my eye on some heart shaped chocolates wrapped in fuchsia colored foil. A perfect match for our colors.

Nicole-Lynn said...

I love the idea! Have fun shopping today and let us know what you were able to find.